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Planned system outage | Our online services (including myIR and submitting information using software providers) will be unavailable from 6pm Friday 14 to approximately 4pm Sunday 16 March while we complete some system upgrades. The outage will not affect any saved drafts or web requests in myIR, our website, general tools and calculators. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.

Hamilton (Home Straight) public counter is temporarily closed | Our Hamilton Public Counter will be closed from Monday 3 March 2025 and re-opens on Monday 17 March 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

Criteria to qualify for zero-rating

To qualify for the zero rate on interest payments all the following must be met:

  • represented in New Zealand dollars
  • offered to the public in terms of section 3 of the Securities Act 1978
  • not be issued as a private placement
  • not be an asset-backed security
  • be conducted through a registry and paying agent with a fixed establishment in New Zealand
  • be listed on the stock exchange or satisfy a widely held test
  • be registered with us.

Meeting the widely-held test

To meet the widely-held test a security must:

  • be held by 100 separate persons who the issuer could reasonably assume are not associated at the time the test applies
  • have no person or group of associated persons holding a 10% or greater interest at the time of applying the test.
Last updated: 24 Apr 2019
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